Recently Updated Pages
Auto-fill for iOS
Auto-fill is possible on an iOS device from your Browser Extension on Chrome or Firefox browsers....
Using URIs in Auto-fills
A Login Item can have one or more URIs. These are added from the Create Item or Edit Item Screen....
Auto-fill for Custom Fields
The Browser Extension can be used to auto-fill a web page with custom fields that have been added...
Auto-fill for Cards and Identities
Add to Vault As for Manually Adding Logins to the Vault, Cards and Identities can be auto-filled...
Browser Extension Options
Badge Counter The Tab Screen of the Browser Extension automatically detects the URI of the curre...
WALLIX can use shortcuts for certain functions: Activate the extension Auto-fill the last use...
Auto-fill Logins
Prerequisite: The Browser Extension needs to be installed before the Auto-fill feature becomes av...
Grant Trustelem Account Recovery Permissions
As an Vault Administrator, follow this procedure to Grant Password Recovery Permissions in the Tr...
Change Language
By default, WALLIX Enterprise Vault uses the language of the Web Browser. To change the languag...
Administration Overview
The Trustelem Administrator is required to perform certain actions: Grant Master Password Recove...
Clone Item
From the Item List click the More Button of an Item. The Item Context Menu is displayed. Cli...
Move Item to Shared Vault
From the Item List click the More Button of an Item. The Shared Vault Item Context Menu is disp...
Item Context Menu
From the Item List click the More Button of a Shared Vault Item. The Shared Vault Item Context ...
Deauthorize Sessions
This is used if you want to deauthorize all computers and devices that have been previously used ...
Delete Account
Click on the User Icon, on the top right-hand side of the screen, to display the User Menu. Cl...
An Item can be marked as a favorite to make it easier to locate. All favorites are grouped togeth...
TOTP Authentication
A TOTP (Time-based one-time password) is a password that is generated by a TOTP Generator, to be ...
Validate Master Password Reset Request
A Vault Administrator is required to validate all Master Password Reset Requests. At each creatio...
Account Switching on Mobile App
It is possible to have up to 5 WALLIX Accounts logged in at any one time on mobile devices. Logi...
Add Logins to Vault
There are 2 ways to auto-fill a Login to the Vault. This function is available for Logins, Cards...