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Auto-fill for Android

Auto-fill is possible on an Android device from your Browser Extension on Chrome or Firefox browsers.

Account Switching facilitates multiple logins at one time.

A number of auto-fill options are available, depending on the version of Android that your device is running.

  • Auto-fill Service
  • Inline Auto-fill
  • Accessibility
  • Draw-Over

Auto-fill using Custom Fields is not supported on mobile devices.

Vault Timeout must be set to Lock (and not Log Out) if NFC is required for Two-factor Authentication.

Auto-fill Options

A number of auto-fill options are available, depending on the version of Android that your device is running.

  • Auto-fill Service : Available on Android 8+.
  • Inline Auto-fill: Available on Android 11+. Also requires enabling of Autofill Service and Input Method Editor (IME).
  • Draw-Over: Available in Android 6+. Also requires Enabling of Accessibility.
  • Accessibility: Available on all Android Versions.

Auto-fill Service

This facilitates Auto-Fill from the Login Screen.

Auto-fill Service is available on Android 8+. It requires enabling of Auto-fill Services.

Enable Auto-fill Service

From WALLIX Android App, tap Settings > Auto-fill > Auto-fill ServiceServices

Tap WALLIX from the Auto-fill ServiceServices List.List.

Tap Confirm.Confirm.

Using Auto-fill Service

Tap on Username or Password fields on a webpage.webpage or an app.

A pop up screen will display 2 options:options:

  • The Matching Login Item from WALLX Vault. ChooseTapping aon Loginthis Item.option Ifauto-populates the Login.
  • Auto-fill from WALLIX Vault. Tapping on this option opens the Vault if the Vault is unlocked,unlocked to browse the loginavailable isLogin auto-populated.Items
  • Auto-fill
from XALLIX Vault.

If theWALLIX Vault is unlocked, the Vault is opened.

If it is locked,locked, you will be prompted to login to your vault.Vault.

Inline Auto-fill

This facilitates Auto-Fill from the Keyboard Section.

Inline Auto-fill: Available on Android 11+. It requires enabling of Autofill Service and Input Method Editor (IME).

If it doesn't work, it is possible that your IME does not support inline.

Enable Inline Auto-fill

From WALLIX Android App, tap Settings > Auto-fill > Auto-fill Service

Tap WALLIX from the Auto-fill Service List.

Tap Confirm.

to-fill using Browser Extension

Enable Auto-fill in Browser Extension

From the WALLIX Browser Extension App, tap Settings > Autofill > App Extension

Tap Enable App Extension button

A Share Menu slides up. Tap WALLIX.

Using Auto-fill in Browser Extension

Open an app or website where you are not logged into.Services

Tap the share icon.pngUse Inline Autofill option to Sharetoggle iconit on.

Using Inline Auto-fill

Tap on Username or Password fields on a webpage or an app.

Logins matching the URI are displayed in the keyboard section.

Choose the option required.

It is auto-filled into your webpage or app.


This facilitates Auto-Fill from the Login Screen.

Draw-Over is available in Android 6+. It requires Enabling of Accessibility and Drawover

Enable Accessibility

From WALLIX Android App, tap Settings > Auto-fill > Auto-fill Services

Tap the AddressUse Bar.Accessibility option to toggle it on.

Using Accessibility

Tap on Username or Password fields on a webpage or an app.

A Sharepop menuup screen displays an option to Auto-fill from WALLIX Vault.

Tap on this option.

If the Vault is displayed.unlocked, the Vault is opened.

If WALLIX Vault is locked, you will be prompted to login to your Vault.


This facilitates Auto-Fill from the Login Screen.

Accessibility is available on all Android Versions. It requires Enabling of Accessibility.

Enable Drawover

From WALLIX Android App, tap Settings > Auto-fill > Auto-fill Services

ClickTap the WALLIXPermit Vaultdrawing icon.over Aother listapps ofoption matchingto Loginstoggle isit displayed.on.

Using Drawover

Tap on Username or Password fields on a webpage or an app.

autofill browser extension.jpgA pop up screen displays an option to Auto-fill from WALLIX Vault.

ChooseTap on this option.

If the correctVault Loginis unlocked, the Vault is opened.

If WALLIX Vault is locked, you will be prompted to auto-fill.login to your Vault.