Data Import Errors
WALLIX Enterprise Vault imposes character counts on different fields types. If an import file contains data that exceeds the encrypted character limit for the field type, the file will not be imported.imported.
WALLIX Enterprise Vault imposes character counts on different fields types. When the data is encrypted those character counts grow between 30-50%. Therefore, a field that was within the required character limit before the encryption may exceed the character limit after encryption.encryption.
The following areis commonan errorexample messagesImport Error message that youcould mightbe encounter.displayed when an import fails:
[1][Login] "BestBank": The fields Notes exceeds the maximum encrypted value length of 10000 characters.
identifiesdenotes thewhereof theoffendingitemisinlocated,question.adjustedThistowouldmatchtypically be the rownumberingnumber inmostaspreadsheetCSVprograms.file, for example. -
identifiesindicates that thevaultitem typeofisthe offending item.Login. -
Facebook"BestBank"identifiesdenotes the name of question. -
indicatesdenotes the name of the field(column)where the character limit is exceeded. -
1200010000indicatesdenotes the allowed character limitallowedfor thatfieldfield.(column).
[1] identifies theindex numberwhere the offending item is located, adjusted to match row numbering in most spreadsheet programs.[Login] identifies the vault itemtypeof the offending item."Facebook" identifies thenameof the offending item.Notes indicates thefield(column) where the character limit is exceeded.12000 indicates thecharacter limitallowed for thatfield(column).