Reimport Encrypted Export
It is possible to reimport an vaultedExported anEncrypted exported encrypted vault.Vault.
From Tools > Import Data,Data, the Import Data screen appears.
From the Import destination dropdown,dropdown, choose the Vault to import the data to. This is a required field.
Note: Encrypted vaults can only be reimported into the Vault they were exported from.from.
From the Folder dropdown,dropdown, choose the Folder to save the Vault data to.
From the File Format dropdoan,dropdown, choose Wallix Vault (json) format.format. This is the file format that the Encrypted Exported Vault.
From Select the import file,file, choose the encrypted vault to reimport.
Click the Import Data button to reimport the Encypted Exported Vault. The Vault data is importedreimported to the specified vault and folder.folder.
Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel the operation.