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Send Overview

Using Send is a way to share sensitive Vault data with someone who does not have Vault Access Access using End-to-End Encryption.

The Send Encryption Process describes how a Send Link is constructed, the Encryption and Decryption process and Send Security Options.

Send can be Created to send either Plain Text or a File to another person. A Send can also be modified or deleted manually  after creation.

Sends are by definition ephemeral and have have Limited Lifespan.

  • They are Automatically Deleted after a certain time.
  • An An Expiration Date and Maximum Access Count can also be set for Sends.

A number of Privacy Options are available for a Send.

  • A Send can also be Password Protected.   In this case the Recipient is required to enter the Password to access the Send.
  • The text in in Text Sends can be hidden by default to prevent unintended access to a Send.
  • The The Email Address of the sender can be hidden. In this case it is advisable that the Sender inform the Recipient that a Send link will be sent, and that the recipient contacts the Sender to verify the link before accessing it.
  • A Private Note can be added to a Send. This is not sent with the Send.