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Send Privacy

There are a number of privacy options possible for Sends.

Password Protection

Password Protect a Send

When creating or editing a Send, click on the Options link.

A list of Send Options displays.

Enter the Password to be used by the receiver to access the Send.

By default the TRUSTELEM password is used.

This can be left blank if password protection is not needed.

Once set, the password cannot be viewed, but it can be modified or deleted.

privacy field.png

Change or Delete a Send Password

Click on a Send to open the Send Screen. The Send is displayed.

To Change the Password used to protect the Send, overwrite the Password in the Password Field with a New Password. Click Save. The Password is changed.

To Remove Password Protection from the Send, delete the password from the Password Field. Click Save. The Password Protection is removed.

Access a Password Protected Send

If the Send is password protected, enter the Password provided by the Send Owner.

Click Continue.

Confirm password screen.png

The Send is displayed.

Hide Text


If the text is set to Hidden (by the Send owner), it is not displayed when the Send is opened.

Click Toggle visibility to display the text.

Send text hidden.png

The Text is displayed.

Hide Email