Personal vault
As a reminder, users have access to two types of vault:
- Their personal vault, to which only them have access.
- Shared vaults, enabling secrets to be shared between different people and teams.
On this page, we'll deal with generic information about using Enterprise Vault, like the authentication, then focus on the user's personal vault.
For simplicity's sake, the screenshots are taken from the web client, but most of the actions described can be performed on mobile or plugin clients.
For more information on shared vaults and plug-ins, please consult the following documentations:
Account management
Authentication, lock & log out
To access their vault, users must perform 2 actions:
- Authenticate themselves on WALLIX ONE IDaaS using their login, password and optionally 2nd factor.
- Provide the master password needed to decrypt their data.
When accessing the system for the first time, or during a reset procedure, users must first define their master password.
If a user has forgotten his master password, he can click "Get master password hint" to obtain the hint defined at the same time as the master password.
The reset case will be dealt with later.
Lock => provide the master password
If an authenticated user refreshes the page or clicks Lock now, he will have to provide his master password again.
Log out => perform a complete authentication (login, password and master password)
If a user clicks on Log out, he will have to perform a full authentication: login, password and master password.
Change authentication secrets
Change WALLIX ONE IDaaS identifier
Change WALLIX ONE IDaaS password
Change WALLIX ONE IDaaS 2nd factor
Change Enterprise Vault master password
Change Enterprise Vault encryption keys
Reset authentication secrets
Reset WALLIX ONE IDaaS password or 2nd factor
Reset Enterprise Vault master password
Get hint
Purge the account
Items management
Create / Edit / Delete Items
Password Protected
Custom fields
folder parent / folder children
move to folder