Quick start guide
The aim of this quick-start user guide is to present the main actions that users can perform with Enterprise Vault.
The administrators are in charge of creating user accounts first.
Two scenarios are possible:
- If user accounts are imported, users will use their usual login and so the administrators will only provide access information (Vault URL: https://vault-your_domain.trustelem.com).
- If user accounts have been specifically created for Enterprise Vault, users will receive an email with a link to create a password.
Then, if the admins have enabled multi-factor authentication, users will have to perform enrolment on first authentication.
Finally, when accessing Enterprise Vault for the first time, users must define a master password, which will be required for each new data decryption.
Access to Enterprise Vault
To access their vault, users must perform 2 actions:
- Authenticate themselves on WALLIX ONE IDaaS using their login, password and optionally 2nd factor.
- Provide the master password needed to decrypt their data.
Available clients
These actions, followed by access to the data, can be carried out on 3 types of client:
- The browser, via a specific URL
- Browser plugins (Chrome, Firefox, Edge via the Chrome plugin)
- Mobile applications
Type of vaults
Users have access to two types of vault:
- Their personal vault, to which only them have access*.
- Shared vaults, enabling secrets to be shared between different people and teams.
*Enterprise Vault has a recovery mode which, if activated, can give administrators access to personal secrets.
Personal vault: possible actions
Link for personal vault documentation
Users can perform the following actions on their personal vault:
- Create login, credit card, identity or note secrets
- Add attachments to secrets
- Organize their personal vault with folders
or with their favorites items - Search specific secrets
- Generate secure links to share text or files
- Generate passwords and identifiers
- Import or export secrets
- Generate security reports on their secrets
- Configure account settings
Shared vault: possible actions
Users can perform the following actions* on the shared vaults:
*Obviously, depending on the user's role in the shared vault, some of these actions will not be possible for users
Browser plugin: specific actions
Link for browser plugin documentation
Finally, some actions are specific to the browser plugins.
In fact, they enable more advanced integration with the browser, including:
- Copy login, password or 2nd factor via right-click in the browser
- Password generation via a right-click in the browser
- Automatically fill in logins