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Encryption Key Settings

A user can Change their Master Password from WALLIX Vault. It is necessarypossible to rememberchange the currentEncryption MasterKey PasswordSettings in order to do this.

This procedure is similar to thefor Resetyour Master Password ProcedureAccount, which is used when the User cannot remember their current Master Password..

Click on the User Icon, on the top right-hand side of the screen, to display the User Menu.

profile menu - Copie (2).png

Click on Account Settings and then Security. The Security Screen is displayed on the Master PasswordKeys Tab.

master password screen.pngencryption key settings.png

InThe following options can be changed:

  • KDF algorithm: There are 2 choices - Argon2id or PBKDF2 SHA-256.

Capture d’écran 2023-12-13 124713.png

  • KDF Iterations: Choose the number of iterations possible. The Currentdefault masteris password3.
  • field,
  • KDF entermemory your(MB): current master password.

    InChoose the memory required . The Newdefault masteris password64.

  • field,
  • KDF chooseparallelism: Choose the parallism possible. The default is 4

Higher KDF iterations, memory, and enterparallelism acan new master password.

In thehelp Confirmprotect new master password field, re-enter the newyour master password chosen.


In thebeing Masterbrute passwordforced hintby field,an enterattacker. theHowever, Master Password Hint that you created when you createdsetting your AccountKDF iterations, memory, and parallelism too high could result in poor performance when logging into (and unlocking) WALLIX Vault on slower or older devices. We recommend changing these individually in small increments and then test all of your devices.

The Check known data breaches for this password checkbox is checked by default. This can be unchecked if you do not wish to check for known data breaches related to your new chosen password.

The Also rotate my account's encryption key checkbox is unchecked by default. This can be unchecked if you wish to rotate your account's encryption key.

Click Change master password button to change your master password. ThisProceeding will log you out of yourall currentactive sessions. on this device and youYou will be requiredneed to  log back in and withcomplete two-step login setup. We recommend exporting your vault before changing your encryption settings to newprevent masterdata passwordloss.

If there areClick activeChange KDF sessions open on other devices, they may continue to remain activechange the Encryption Key Settings for upyour to one hourAccount.

The following screen is displayed showing a Master Password reset confirmation message.

step 13 - Copie.png

Alternatively, click Log out to cancel the operation.