Search and Filters can be combined to refine the search result.
Only Item Types and Filters cannot be combined.combined.
You can use the Search field in the Filters menu to search for items in your vaults.
You can search on all fields in your items.
In this example, enter 21 in the Search Field to return all items containing 21, in this case a Card item with 21 in the card number.
You can also filter by Vault, Item Type or Folder from Filters Menu.
In the following example, click on the vault My vault and item type Login to return items of type Login in the folder My vault.
In the following example, click on the vault My vault vault and the folder Work to return all items in the folder Work and also in the vault My vault.
Basic Search
This is available in Mobile Apps.
You can search on the following indexed fields in your items:
- All Items: name
- Logins: username, URI
- Cards: brand, last 4 digits of the card number
- Identities: name
Leading and Trailing Wildcards are included in Searches. For example, searching for googl will return items where the search fields contain google, googling or googlemail.
In this example, enter 21 in the Search Field to return all items where one of the fields being searched contains 21, in this case a Card item with 21 in the last 4 digits of the card number.
Search results are sorted based on a scoring algorithm, based on the number of fields that a search term appears in.
Full-Text Search
This is available in the Web Vault and Browser Extension.
You can search on the following indexed fields in your items:
shortid: This is the 1st 8 characters of the Item ID
sharedvaultid: This is the Shared Vault ID, for Items in a Shared Vault
name: Item Name
subtitle: This depends on the Item Type. It can be Username, Login, Last 4 digits of Card Number, Card Brand or Identity Name.
notes: Notes field of an Item. Matches on full words only unless wildcards are used.
fields: This is the Name or Value in Custom Fields. It is only available for Custom Fields of type Text
attachments: This is the Name of a File that is attached to an Item.
login.username: This is the Username of a Login Item
login.uris: This is the URI Hostname of a Login Item
In this example, enter 21 in the Search Field to return all items where one of the fields being searched contains 21, in this case a Card item with 21 in the last 4 digits of the card number.
Search results are sorted based on a scoring algorithm, based on the number of fields that a search term appears in.
If no results are found using a Full-Text Search, WALLIX Vault will use Basic Search.
Special Search Parameters
Specific Fields
To search specific fields, use the following format;
>fieldname:search term
For example, >name:Google will return all Items where name equals Google
Various wildcards can be used
- Leading and Trailing Wildcards