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Browser Extension Overview

Various options are available within the Browser Extension software.

Open Browser Extension

Click the Browser Extension Icon on the top right hand side of the browser. The following screenshot shows the icon for Chrome.

Click the Browser Extension icon.

Access browser extension.png

The WALLIX Vault Browser Extension opens in theĀ Tab Screen.

Tab Screen

This screen shows the items saved in the Vault for the currently displayed webpage.

browser extension home.png

Vault Screen

This screen displays the list of Vaults and their Items.

vault screen 1.png

vault screen 2.png

Send Screen

This screen displays Sends and allows users to add, edit or delete a send.

send screen.png

Generator Screen

This screen allows users to generate a password for an Item.

generator screen 1.png

generator screen 2.png

Settings Screen

This screen displays the various settings and options available for the Browser Extension.

autofill settings 1.png

autofill settings 2.png