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Username or Password Generator

WALLIX Vault provides a Generator Feature to automatically generate a Username or Password based on certain criteria.

Username Generator

From the Tools Menu click on Generator. The following screen displays.

generate username.png

In the What could you like to generate? Field, click Username.

In the Username type field, choose from the following options:

  • Plus addressed email: uses your email provider's sub-addressing capabilities for the generated username
  • Catch-all email: uses your domain's configured catch-all inbox for the generated username
  • Forwarded email alias: generates an email alias with an external forwarding service for the generated username
  • Random word: choose a random word for the generated username

In the Options section:

  • Check Capitalize to capitalize the letters in the generated username
  • Check Include number to include a number in the generated username

Click Regenerate username button to regenerate a username. The generated username displays at the top of the screen. In this example it is Snowman3495.

Click Copy Username to copy the generated username to the clipboard.

Password Generator

From the Tools Menu click on Generator. The following screen displays.

generate password.png

In the What could you like to generate? Field, click Password

In the Password type field, choose either a Password or a Passphrase. A passphrase is a group of randomly generated concatenated words, e.g. hopeful-best-crazy-uses-glasses

If Password is chosen as the Password Type, the following options are available: 

 - In the Length field enter the required password length

 - In the Minimum numbers field enter the minimim number of numbers required in the password

 - In the Minimum special field enter the minimim number of special characters required in the password

 - In the Options section:

  • Check A-Z if the generated password should contain upper case letters. This is checked by default
  • Check a-z if the generated password should contain lower case letters. This is checked by default
  • Check 0-9 if the generated password should contain numbers. This is checked by default
  • Check !@#$%^&*  if the generated password should contain special characters. This is unchecked by default
  • Check Avoid ambiguous characters to exclude ambiguous characters from the generated username, i.e. 1 and I or 0 and o. This is checked by default

If Passphrase is chosen as the Password Type, the following options are available:  

- In the Number of words field enter the number of words required in the passphrase. The Default is 3 words

- In the Word separator field enter the separator to use to concatenate the words in the passphrase. The Default is -

 - In the Options section:

  • Check Capitalize to capitalize the letters in the generated passphrase
  • Check Include number to include a number in the generated passphrase

Click Regenerate username button to regenerate a username. The generated username displays at the top of the screen. In this example it is Snowman3495

Click Copy Username to copy the generated username to the clipboard

Mobile App

This feature is also available on the WALLIX Mobile App, either from the Generator option or the Add/Edit Screen. The exact location depends on the Mobile Device used.